Sunday, May 22, 2011

Earth in Mosaic

I float above an emerald mosaic,
brushstrokes of blue,
shrouded in smoke.

I see glistening silver,
surrounded by deep blue.
I smell green,
I hear sighs,
and warm breath caresses my skin.

I float above a golden mosaic,
brushstrokes of blue,
shrouded in smoke.

I see shining amber,
deep red.
Gold cascades over the wide canvas,
and pervades my senses.

I float above a white mosaic,
brushstrokes of silver,
shrouded in smoke.

I see a flame through the smoke,
reflecting off crystal.
I see green spires coated in diamond.
The diamonds enshroud me,
cut my skin,
burn my lungs,
cleanse me.

I stand beneath a blue canvas,
smudges of white,
radiant gold.

I see grey,
and blue engulfed in black.
Violent white splits the darkness.
A cannon fires behind the dark veil,
and my soul quakes.

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